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OmniPACS® empowers Healthcare professionals to share medical images in a way that is practical, safe, and easy to use. OmniPACS® combines the best aspect of Digital Radiology with Web 2.0 concepts of data sharing and community building creating the perfect marrage of technology and execution that truly fosters better patient care.

With OmniPACS – Patients are getting – access to their data, faster turn around time for diagnosis, and more access to specialists and second opinions.

Professionals – are getting omnipresent access to medical images from different sources. Doctors and other specialists are able to find more business and do more reads with our flexible framework.

With OmniPACS Providers are getting them an instant service that extends or replaces their IT infrastructure and opens up access to data for patients, doctors, and referring physicians.

Its easy to start harnessing the power of omnipacs – just sing up for free and start sending and sharing data.

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